What Happens After Morpheus8 Treatment?

Learn what happens after Morpheus8 treatment from an expert's perspective. Find out what to expect in terms of side effects and recovery time.

What Happens After Morpheus8 Treatment?

Immediately after the procedure, patients may experience skin tenderness and redness. Your skin may also feel much tighter than usual and may cry, ooze, or feel warm to the touch. Some swelling, flaking, and flaking may also occur. These effects are normal and usually go away in about the first week.

Morpheus 8 is a non-invasive treatment, so there is no need to extend downtime or recovery time. Most people can resume their normal work and activities the day after the procedure. You may notice redness or irritation of the skin temporarily for up to a week. Swelling is also a common side effect, but it should resolve quickly.

Experts can recommend several ways to make you feel comfortable during your Morpheus 8 recovery, such as using high-quality moisturizers and broad-spectrum sunscreens. You should also expect that, after approximately 24 to 72 hours of treatment with high-frequency microneedles, scabs will form on the treated area and will eventually fall off as the wound heals. As the skin heals over the next 3 to 4 weeks, you will start to see the desired results. The best results are usually achieved after 3-4 treatments, with intervals of one week between each session.

Experts will tell you how many treatments are necessary to achieve your desired outcome. The most common side effect after Morpheus8 is a mild to moderate sunburn-like red flush. This may or may not be accompanied by small scabs. Neither of these two is a cause for concern and should disappear in a few days.

Thaddeus Dandoy
Thaddeus Dandoy

Beer evangelist. Professional internet geek. Certified communicator. Subtly charming pop culture scholar. Hardcore tv junkie. Lifelong food advocate.