How Long Does Morpheus8 Last?

Morpheus8 is an advanced anti-aging and skin tightening treatment that helps address some of the most common signs of aging. Learn how long does Morpheus8 last.

How Long Does Morpheus8 Last?

Morpheus8 is an advanced anti-aging and skin tightening treatment that helps address some of the most common signs of aging, including complexion problems, fine lines and wrinkles, and skin laxity. Once you experience this treatment, you will get remarkable results that can last for up to three years. The skin change is permanent after a Morpheus8 treatment, but the lasting results depend on your aging process. This non-surgical microneedle treatment uses high frequencies to stimulate collagen production, firm and smooth flat areas and skin of the body.

The microneedles penetrate the skin and deliver high-frequency energy to the dermis deeper than other microneedle options.On average, noticeable changes begin to appear within the first month and take an additional three to six months to complete after the last treatment. The effects usually last for 12 months or longer, but annual monitoring sessions are required to maintain results. To get the best results from your Morpheus8 treatment, it is recommended to have 1 to 3 treatments and combine it with a solid skincare routine that includes quality skin care and daily application of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.Morpheus8 is used together with AccuTite and FaceTite to provide additional firmness and improvement to the skin. It can also induce collagen production and improve fine lines and wrinkles, pore size, acne and acne scars, and firm skin.

Downtime following a Morpheus8 treatment is minimal, with the recommendation that clients allow 24 to 48 hours for healing after each treatment.Morpheus8 is an innovative skin tightening and microneedling treatment for sagging skin, puffy and oily eyelids and swelling of the cheekbones. If you are looking to receive positive treatment with Morpheus8, choose a trusted and experienced beauty center such as Tensegrity Health.

Thaddeus Dandoy
Thaddeus Dandoy

Beer evangelist. Professional internet geek. Certified communicator. Subtly charming pop culture scholar. Hardcore tv junkie. Lifelong food advocate.