How Many Sessions of Morpheus8 Are Needed for Optimal Results?

For optimal results, most patients need a series of 3 to 4 treatments with an interval of about one month. At Michaels Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery we offer Morpheus8 as a safe FDA-approved technology offering a wide range of skin benefits.

How Many Sessions of Morpheus8 Are Needed for Optimal Results?

For optimal results, most patients need a series of 3 to 4 treatments with an interval of about one month. After the last Morpheus8 session, you should start to notice firmer, healthier, and more even skin. Depending on the severity of the skin condition, one to three appointments may be necessary. The treatment appointments should be spaced approximately one month apart to allow the skin to heal and the collagen to regrow.

Morpheus8 is a safe option for people with olive or brown skin tones, who might otherwise be at risk of hypo- or hyperpigmentation from other rejuvenating treatments (such as lasers). It starts stimulating changes almost immediately after the first treatment. For best results, these treatments should be performed at an interval of 4 to 6 weeks. Morpheus8 candidates have skin problems they would like to address, such as scars, stretch marks, discolorations, sun damage, lines and wrinkles.

To resolve these issues, three to four treatments with Morpheus8 may be necessary. The microneedle look of Morpheus8 helps rejuvenate the top layer of skin, so people with sun damage and dark spots should see clearer, brighter, and more evenly toned skin after treatment. InMode Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that combines microneedling with radio frequency (RF) energy. The amount you pay for skin tightening and reshaping with Morpheus8 will depend on the number of treatment sessions you have, the number of treatment areas, your provider's level of experience, the location of your office, and a few other key factors.

At Michaels Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery we offer Morpheus8 as a safe FDA-approved technology offering a wide range of skin benefits. Rather than combining several aesthetic treatments to get the results you want, Morpheus8 can address all of your skin care issues at once. During your private consultation we will evaluate your skin and answer any questions that you may have about this procedure. Morpheus8 is a non-invasive in-office treatment that produces visible results in just one session.

We use the consultation as an opportunity to verify that Morpheus8 is an ideal combination for your skin problems. It is important to keep in mind that you may need three to four treatments with Morpheus8 to achieve optimal results.

Thaddeus Dandoy
Thaddeus Dandoy

Beer evangelist. Professional internet geek. Certified communicator. Subtly charming pop culture scholar. Hardcore tv junkie. Lifelong food advocate.