How Often Should You Get Morpheus8 Treatments?

Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that targets the deepest layers of the skin with controlled thermal energy. Most patients need one to three Morpheus8 appointments spaced approximately one month apart to achieve desired results.

How Often Should You Get Morpheus8 Treatments?

Most of the time, patients need one to three Morpheus8 appointments to achieve the desired results. Your treatment appointments should be spaced approximately one month apart to allow the skin to heal and the collagen to regrow. For those with minor cosmetic problems, such as enlarged pores or uneven skin tone, one or two appointments may be enough; for those with more serious issues, such as deep wrinkles and skin laxity, three or more appointments may be necessary. We recommend starting with three treatments with an interval of six to eight weeks.

About six to eight weeks after the third treatment, you can reevaluate it. We have patients who get amazing results with these three treatments and all last up to three years. However, there are other patients who want a little more improvement. For them, we suggest another two or three treatments, with up to six in total, depending on the patient's goals.You're likely to see positive skin changes a few days after receiving your first Morpheus8 treatment.

Your appearance should continue to improve in the months after your initial consultation. Depending on your particular needs and desires, 1 to 3 treatments are typical. Morpheus8 treatments are permanent, but skin continues to age according to lifestyle and genetics.Skin needs to be encouraged to continue creating new collagen and elastin to maintain a youthful appearance. Therefore, subsequent treatments may be recommended every 18 months to 2 years as part of a rejuvenation maintenance plan.

To avoid these types of side effects, look for an experienced provider for your treatment with Morpheus8, ideally, a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who has years of experience with this type of treatment.Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that targets the deepest layers of the skin with controlled thermal energy. For some, maintenance appointments should be held annually every year, while others only need maintenance appointments when they notice that the results of treatment with Morpheus8 are disappearing.Morpheus8 combines microneedling and radio frequency (RF) energy, two proven skin rejuvenation treatments. It consists of radiofrequency microneedles that penetrate the surface of the skin to deliver controlled thermal energy to a preset depth depending on the area treated and whether the goal is to tighten the skin, address wrinkles, melt fat, or all of the above. Morpheus8 can be used on any area of the face or body that benefits from skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and refined contouring.If you're a healthy adult dealing with wrinkles, sagging skin, or other skin problems, you're probably a good candidate for Morpheus8.Instead of combining multiple aesthetic treatments to get the results you want, Morpheus8 can address all of your skin care issues at once.

However, with a treatment like Morpheus8, which combines two highly effective aesthetic techniques, all age-related problems can be addressed in a series of simple, one-step treatments.Morpheus8 skin rejuvenation can safely benefit all skin types and tones, addressing a wide range of skin problems. What differentiates Morpheus8 from similar microneedle devices is that the depth of the radiofrequency heat delivered by its microneedles can be customized to reach different depths of the dermal layers. How much you will pay for skin tightening and reshaping with Morpheus8 will depend on the number of treatment sessions you have, the number of treatment areas, your provider's level of experience, the location of your office, and a few other key factors.

Thaddeus Dandoy
Thaddeus Dandoy

Beer evangelist. Professional internet geek. Certified communicator. Subtly charming pop culture scholar. Hardcore tv junkie. Lifelong food advocate.